Our Supporters

Box Tale Soup would like to thank the following people for their generosity and support.

Sir Thomas Hughes-Hallett 
The Loveday Charitable Trust
Roger Mayhew

Stephen Backes
Robin Barda
Mike Bates
Carol Bartlett
Chloe & Tom Bartlett
David Birley & Sally Carr
Caitlin Birley & David Aula
Vivien & Simon Booth
Harriet Capaldi
Fiona Clift
Charlotte & Edd Couchman
Ged Davies
Ryan Dodd
Carol Ellinas
Miss K. M. W. Entract
Gillian & Jonathan Fenner
Mrs K. Fischel
Kim Finnis
Bruce Harris
Gina Hartnett
Peter Hayward & Mary Seers

Sarah & Rupert Hill
Deborah & Peter Jackson
Miranda Kent
Nicolette Kirkby
Michael Law
Mrs M. C. MacGillivray
Roxanna Macklow-Smith
Kathryn Magee
Simon McLoughlin
Debbie & Derek McMenamin
Francis Matthews
Alice Murrie
Dr. E. L. Offerman
Margaret Offerman
Ellen Parkes
Isabelle & Luke Parsons
Lionel Persey
Andre Pimenta
Jon Plowman
Suzy Power
Paul Renney
Tom Ridley
Susan Rivett
Christopher Roberts

Claire & David Robinson
Julia Robinson
Richard Robinson
Mrs C. Rodger
Elizabeth & David Roe
Graeme Rosie
Kathryn & David Roy
Christopher Royall & Lynda Russell
Peter Saunders
Kate Sergeant
Jennifer Scott
Mrs O. M. Sefton
Mr J. C. D. Shanagher
Sarah Shurety
Mrs C. J. Simms
Justin Small
Hollie Smyth
Nicholas Spence
Jane & Matthew Stevens
John Studzinski
Melissa Thompson
Mrs S. Tomlin
Mark Wakeford
Mary Waring
Jo & Tony Willoughby

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Box Tale Soup is a Registered Charity (no. 1149715)
Registered as a company limited by guarantee (no. 8171401)
Website designed by Box Tale Soup.
Copyright © 2019 Box Tale Soup.
Box Tale Soup is a Registered Charity (no. 1149715)
Registered as a company limited by guarantee (no. 8171401)